What is the objective of UAE NAMLCFTC?

What is the objective of UAE NAMLCFTC?

The UAE NAMLCFTC is committed to protecting the nation’s economic stability by countering threats related to criminal activities and work towards 12 strategic goals listed below:

Strategic Goal 1: Continue deepening the understanding of risk.

Strategic Goal 2: Increase the standing of the FIU within the UAE’s national AML/CFT framework.

Strategic Goal 3: Improve law enforcement authorities’ efforts in detecting and investigating money laundering (ML).

Strategic Goal 4: Use provisional and confiscation measures more frequently and effectively.

Strategic Goal 5: Adjudicate and prosecute ML effectively and apply proportionate and effective sanctions.

Strategic Goal 6: Improve the effectiveness of regulatory and supervisory efforts for financial institutions and designated non-financial and business and professions, prioritising higher-risk sectors and taking dissuasive enforcement actions.

Strategic Goal 7: More vigorously identify and intercept unlicensed money remittance services.

Strategic Goal 8: Enhance implementation of targeted financial sanctions without delay.

Strategic Goal 9: Align company registration frameworks across the UAE.

Strategic Goal 10: Strengthen the level of assistance UAE provides to its International Partners.

Strategic Goal 11: Continue to effectively investigate, prosecute and convict TF offenses.

Strategic Goal 12: Continue to modernise the UAE’s legal framework.