CDD vs. EDD: What is the difference between CDD and EDD?

CDD vs. EDD: What is the difference between CDD and EDD?

The main difference between CDD and EDD is that the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations in Singapore require regulated entities to apply adequate Customer Due Diligence (CDD) measures based on a customer’s risk profile. Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) is an extension Simple or Standard CDD that is conducted when dealing with a high-risk customer.
So effectively, CDD is conducted for all customers, while EDD is only conducted for high-risk customers

Know Your Customer (KYC) Know the Beneficial Owner
Customer Screening Determining Source of Funds and Source of Wealth
Ongoing Monitoring Enhanced Ongoing Monitoring
Undertaking transactions based on Simple or Standard CDD Undertaking transactions after understanding the reason for the intended transaction
Onboarding a customer with the approval of the Compliance Officer Onboarding customer with the approval of senior management

EDD goes a step beyond CDD by verifying additional documents and information and applying additional checks. Check out this very informative blog on Enhanced Due Diligence to learn more